Park Seoung-tae

Park Seoung-tae

Filmes atuados


Dae-yong's Mother

Velha é a Vovozinha


A Bailarina

Chili Pepper Grandmother

공공의 적

Kim Young-soon

피끓는 청춘


684: Unidade de Combate

In-chan’s mother


Ri-na's Grandmother


Oe Dong Daek

Séries atuadas

Here's My Plan

Here's My Plan

Hye Soon

Hospital Playlist

Hospital Playlist

[Brain Cancer Patient]

Dr. Romântico

Dr. Romântico

[Car crash victim]

Toque Seu Coração

Toque Seu Coração

Market booth owner

Mystic Pop-up Bar

Mystic Pop-up Bar

Grandmother with eggs

Romance Is a Bonus Book

Romance Is a Bonus Book

Yoo Myung Sook [Novelist]

Woori The Virgin

Woori The Virgin

Park Myung-hee

Caçadores de Demônios

Caçadores de Demônios

Han Seung-woo's Grandmother