Um Conto Americano
Tony Toponi (voice)
O Cristal e o Pinguim
Pola / Chinstrap (voice)
Um Duende no Parque
Snuffy (voice)
Um Conto Americano 3: O Tesouro de Nova Iorque
Um Conto Americano 4: O Mistério do Monstro da Noite
Batman: O Cavaleiro de Gotham
News Anchor (voice)
Batman: Ano Um
Falcone's Wife (voice)
Globehunters: An Around the World in 80 Days Adventure
Leopard / French Newswoman (voice)
Rugrats Crescidos
Harold Frumpkin (voice)
Charles (voice)
As Tartarugas Ninjas
Mona Lisa (voice)
Batman do Futuro
Busybody (voice)
DuckTales: Os Caçadores de Aventuras
Bully Beagle (voice)
Super Choque
Mrs. Osgood (voice)
Os Novos Caça Fantasmas
Janine Melnitz (voice)
Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs
April Eagle (voice)