Team Hot Wheels: Acelerar para Detonar
Rhett / Gammy Gram
Team Hot Wheels: A Mega Corrida
Rhett / Gammy Gram / Bill McBoberts / Grog
Deu a Louca na Branca de Neve
Priest / Rumpelstiltskin (voice)
Liga da Justiça: Mundo Bélico
Sheriff (voice)
Team Hot Wheels: Mandando Bem
The Great Wolf Pack: A Call to Adventure
Wishes / Bucky (voice)
Scooby-Doo! Gostosuras ou Travessuras
Warden Collins / Harry the Hypnotist / Inspector (voice)
O Natal da Princesa Encantada
Number 9 / Footman (voice)
Power Rangers
Villamax (voice)
Ursinhos Carinhosos: Bem-Vindos à Terra do Carinho
Tenderheart Bear (voice)
Shiver Me Timbear (voice)
Great Giving Bear (voice)
Esquadrilha Parafuso
M.E.L. (voice)
Barbed Wire Org (voice)
Uma Família da Pesada
Kelsey Grammer (voice)
Legião dos Super Heróis
Controller / Tharok (voice)