Lisa Harrow

Lisa Harrow

Filmes atuados

A Profecia III: O Conflito Final

Kate Reynolds

Os Últimos Dias em Que Ficamos Juntos


Il sorriso del grande tentatore

Emilia Contreras

Red Knot


Domingo é Dia...

Madeleine Vesey

Destination Love


All Creatures Great and Small

Helen Alderson

Séries atuadas

Star Maidens

Star Maidens


Inspector Morse

Inspector Morse

Thelma Radford

Hallmark Hall of Fame

Hallmark Hall of Fame


Always Afternoon

Always Afternoon

Nancy Kennon

A Sense of Guilt

A Sense of Guilt

Helen Irving

The Expert

The Expert

Anne Kyneston

Nonni und Manni

Nonni und Manni

Sigrid Jonsdottir (Mutter)

Nancy Astor

Nancy Astor

Nancy Astor