Dana Hill

Dana Hill

Filmes atuados

Férias Frustradas II

Audrey Griswold

Tom & Jerry: O Filme

Jerry (voice)

A Chama Que Não Se Apaga

Sherry Dunlap

Fallen Angel

Jennifer Phillips

Aladdin and the Adventure of All Time


Cross Creek

Ellie Turner

Os Jetsons: O Filme

Teddy 2 (voice)

Combat Academy

Sgt. Andrea Pritchett

Séries atuadas



Charles (voice)

A Turma do Pateta

A Turma do Pateta

Max (voice)

Darkwing Duck

Darkwing Duck

Tank Muddlefoot (voice)

Mork e Mindy

Mork e Mindy

Girl Scout

Widget the World Watcher

Widget the World Watcher

Kevin (voice)

Teatro dos Contos de Fada

Teatro dos Contos de Fada

Guest Interviewee

Os Ursinhos Gummi

Os Ursinhos Gummi

Buddy Gummi (voice)

The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson

The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson
