Anthony Ainley

Anthony Ainley

Filmes atuados

A Terra Que o Tempo Esqueceu


O Estigma de Satanás

Reverend Fallowfield

Naked Evil

Dick Alderson

Doctor Who: Planet of Fire

The Master

Doctor Who: The Caves of Androzani

The Master

Doctor Who: Survival

The Master

Oh! Que Bela Guerra!

3rd Aide

Doctor Who: The Keeper of Traken

Tremas / The Master

Séries atuadas

Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs

Lord Charles Gilmour

Department S

Department S


Elizabeth R

Elizabeth R

Henry Sidney

Os Vingadores

Os Vingadores


The Adventurer

The Adventurer

Josef Kerston

Secret Army

Secret Army


Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Tremas / The Master