

(2 votos)

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22 Episódios





Criador por: Steven Bochco, Alison Cross.

Genêros: Drama.

Lançamento: 25 de setembro de 2001

Produtora: Paramount Television

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After the breakdown of the old government, and with it the First Republic, Italy changed for good in 1994. Spinster Leo is all too aware of this. He pushed hard to see Berlusconi get elected Prime Minister. He knows it's not easy to win power, but holding on to it verges on the impossible. By the same token, it seems equally impossible for populist politician Pietro to change. Even now that he has an office at the Prime Minister's premises in Rome, he still can't cast off his old bad habits. Nor can he forget the only woman he has ever loved. A former TV starlet now turned politician and Congresswoman, Veronica has to decide who the man of her life is going to be. She has realized she no longer wants to be just a woman on the arm of powerful men. It is the start of her own push for power.

BTS: Burn the Stage

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A story that follows Wei Da He, a man who was once fighting against the Communists. Due to his experiences, his ideas begin to change and he eventually becomes a member of the Communist party. Set against the backdrop of the Xi'an Incident, Wei Da He achieved a win after successfully capturing Tong Guan. Despite the merits that he has earned, Wei Dahe is dismissed and sent home due to his conflict with Gao Xiao Shan of the Red Army. As the war erupted, Wei Dahe returns to the frontlines and rescues military adviser Jiang Huai Zhu. He falls in love with Jiang Huaizhu's daughter Jiang Ya Zhen without knowing that she is a member of the Communist underground.

Esquadrão Ninjas do Vento Hurricanger

Esquadrão Ninjas do Vento Hurricanger

O mestre de um clã ninja de nome Hayate, realizava em sua escola um treinamento rotineiro com alguns jovens. Tudo parecia normal até então, se não fosse uma invasão. A terra mais uma vez foi invadida, e desta vez por uma organização ninja alienígena chamada Jakanja. Na investida, é enviado um monstro cujo seu primeiro ataque foi contra a escola ninja, onde foram sugados para a dimensão de Jakanja todos os alunos, e até mesmo o templo. Vendo que seu destino era o mesmo, o então sábio mestre Mugensai Hinata resolve usar um de seus poderes e se transforma em um pequeno hamster, felizmente escapando do ataque. A Onda de destruição era tamanha que acreditava-se que o clã havia sido extinto. Porém, no dia do ataque que coincidia com uma cerimônia ninja na escola, três dos discípulos não compareceram, e isso foi de extrema importância, para não dizer de total importância. Os três discípulos receberam a missão de lutar contra o monstro e assim salvar seus companheiros de escola.



Cinco jovens procuradores recém-saídos da faculdade enfrentam as pressões da profissão. Apesar de comprometidos, suas vidas fora do escritório também são cheias de relações frágeis e...festas.

Through My Eyes

Through My Eyes

Graduation in an ordinary high school turns into a tragedy when, under strange circumstances, an eleventh-grader Katya Chunina dies. Shortly before that, her boyfriend Maxim Volkov goes missing. He was last seen in the morning at the hospital, from which he escaped by walking out of the window and remained unharmed. It seems that all these events are connected.

Blazing Teens

Blazing Teens

Leon lost to Michael in the yo-yo contest of California and in taunt, Michael said that Leon can never beat him if his Eastern techniques can't beat his own Western speed. So to learn more and train the power of the Eastern yo-yo, Leon returns to China and stops a robbery on his trip, which catches the eye of a school coach who had been given the work of starting a yo-yo team for Jianghai High School. The school doesn't have the required money to get a training spot and uniforms, and the coach must find a way to solve this problem. By trying to use his own cash, the coach stood on the work of making the team by taking the school's yo-yo players in a trick show.

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Lei & Ordem

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Black Donnellys

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Ally McBeal: Minha Vida de Solteira

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O Mundo é dos Jovens

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Miss Hammurabi

Park Cha O Reum trabalha como juiz novato. Ela está na casa dos 20 anos e segue o princípio do "olho por olho". Ela não aceita preconceitos ou segue cegamente a autoridade. Lidando com casos, ela e seus colegas, incluindo Im Ba-Reun, crescem como pessoas.