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Genêros: Reality.
Lançamento: 18 de janeiro de 2022
Produtora: TV Nova
(4 votos)
• 4 Temporadas
• 106 Episódios
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Genêros: Reality.
Lançamento: 18 de janeiro de 2022
Produtora: TV Nova
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Na década de 1890, milhares de homens morreram tentando enriquecer na Trilha da Febre do Ouro do Klondike. Inspirado pela morte do avô, Parker Schnabel decide se colocar à prova para ver se está à altura dos que desbravaram a trilha.
Expedition Overland is a reality-based web series that follows our crew of overlanders and our outfitted vehicles through some of the most remote places of the world. The desire for exploration and adventure is at the heart of this series. The show features our adventures and mishaps as well as personal insights into our struggles, successes, and experiences. These journeys require teamwork, problem solving, ingenuity, and endurance. We welcome you to follow us as we step into the unknown. We are Expedition Overland.
Paravi exclusive drama
Guan Yu, que foi soldado, tem uma mente meticulosa, um estilo rigoroso e uma qualidade física e mental extremamente dura. Ele resolveu vários casos grandes e pequenos. De um simples e feroz policial criminal branco, ele cresceu até se tornar um sábio e experiente capitão da equipe de polícia criminal do condado de Lanhe. A condição física de Guan Yu foi de mal a pior depois de ser promovido a capitão da polícia criminal. Após o caso principal de 1223, Guan Yu enfrentou o perigo. Sob a pressão do tempo, a pressão dos superiores e a perda de parentes e camaradas de armas, a mão negra do mal ainda está escondida sob a geleira. Diante deste caso com muitos casos entrelaçados e implicados, será que Guan Yu pode manter elevada a luz da justiça e o fogo da esperança em suas mãos?
George Hutchenson (Derek Nimmo) and Beth (Nerys Hughes) were married for several years and, as happens during wedlock, this marriage was consummated and bedroom activities recommenced at least once more as they had two children in the form of Clare (Deborah Farrington) and Jenny (Lorraine Brunning). After seven years of marriage, George and Beth parted ways and both remarried: George to Millie (Angela Douglas) and Beth to Bruce (Clifford Earl). However, both of these second marriages also ended in divorce, so it's fair to say that George and Beth aren't having much luck when it comes to domestic bliss. And you'd be forgiven if they gave up on the whole marriage lark.
In the pivotal struggle for WWII victory, the race to develop the first atomic bomb was critical to secure world dominance; now, experts reveal new evidence behind Nazi Germany's top-secret and cutting-edge development of catastrophic nuclear weapons.
Money-minded lawyer Sung Sai Kit (Cheung Tat Ming) was extremely clever and his eloquent speech has won him thousands of cases in court. However, he had a bad reputation since he worked for whoever paid him well. Then his wife Ling Lung (Amy Kwok) got pregnant. Kit wanted to do good in his son’s name and started to be more charitable. He spared others in court and even represented orphan Sing (Fan Siu Wong) in a case. Sing’s father was misjudged as a murderer and Kit successfully proved him innocent. Not long afterwards, Ling Lung gave birth to a boy and Kit decided to retire. However, it wasn’t long when Kit was forced to go back into business. Justice Sung II is the sequel in 1999.