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Закрыть гештальт

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1 Temporada

7 Episódios





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Genêros: Comédia, Sci-Fi & Fantasy.

Lançamento: 11 de agosto de 2022

Produtora: Lunapark Film Company

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The Magic District

The Magic District

Lyokha, a former police sniper with post-traumatic stress disorder, in the midst of an alcoholic binge learns about the fatal illness of his sister Katya. Katya does not want her daughter to be sent to an orphanage after death, and asks Lyokha to take up her head so that he becomes a guardian for an eight-year-old girl. Lyokha has already lost many close people in his life, so he does everything to help his sister: he picks up old connections and gets a job at the police station. The area turns out to be difficult. The criminals that Lyokha must catch are fairy-tale characters: the Serpent Gorynych, Baba Yaga and other evil spirits. And if the former sniper does not have problems with the capture of villains, then attempts to become a good guardian become a real test for Lyokha.



Vanya is an anesthesiologist and intensive care specialist working in a Moscow clinic. A few years ago, his girlfriend Masha died of an overdose, and her mother was paralyzed after such a tragedy. Vanya feels guilty and tries to somehow correct the mistakes of the past - for this it is necessary to raise a large amount of money for the operation to his mother, and the only real way to earn them is to become a "drip" — a person who illegally "pumps out" the rich and famous.

Double or Quits

Double or Quits

The film industry is a world with too many variables. A film's success depends not only on actors and directors but on everything that happens behind the camera: endless fights between the screenwriters, mischief, love affairs, and money issues. Finally, the whole team gets together for a wrap party. They will not only drink champagne but tell each other everything they've been hiding. Love affairs come to an end and arguments die down while the director is trying to understand whether he managed to create something "real".



Uma mulher autêntica que tenta retomar sua vida, enquanto rejeita a ajuda de qualquer um que tente se manter ao seu lado durante a sua crise.



Aqui é contada a história da explosão que aconteceu na Usina Nuclear de Chernobyl. Em 1986, na Ucrânia, o acidente dizimou dezenas de pessoas e acabou por se tornar o maior desastre nuclear da história. Enquanto o mundo lamentava o ocorrido, o cientista Valery Legasov (Jared Harris), a física Ulana Khomyuk (Emily Watson) e o vice-presidente do Conselho de Ministros Boris Shcherbina (Stellan Skarsgård) tentam descobrir as causas do acidente.

Cobra Kai

Cobra Kai

Nesta aclamada série que é continuação dos filmes Karatê Kid, Daniel e Johnny retomam a rivalidade dos tempos de escola.

Rick e Morty

Rick e Morty

Rick é um velho mentalmente desequilibrado, mas cientificamente talentoso que se reconectou recentemente com sua família. Ele passa a maior parte do tempo envolvendo o jovem neto Morty em aventuras perigosas e estranhas no espaço e em universos alternativos. Compostos à vida familiar já instável de Morty, esses eventos causam muito sofrimento a Morty em casa e na escola.

O Exterminador do Futuro: As Crônicas de Sarah Connor

O Exterminador do Futuro: As Crônicas de Sarah Connor

Cansada de fugir de assassinos do futuro e policiais do presente, Sarah Connor decide se preparar para lutar contra as máquina do futuro que tentam sumariamente eliminá-la assim como a proteger seu filho John, predestinado a salvar a raça humana.