

(5 votos)

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20 Episódios





Criador por: Juan Xi.

Genêros: Drama, Comédia.

Lançamento: 02 de janeiro de 2001

Produtora: 北京中视和展投资有限公司

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The Prince's Shadow

The Prince's Shadow

The young scholar Gao Sheng (Zheng Shaoqiu), who was proud of his youth, was appreciated by Emperor Yongzheng, and was finally appointed as Hongli, who was later accompanied by Emperor Qianlong. In the Forbidden City, it takes more than 20 years to stay high. It was the emperor's companion, and he also solved the big and small things for Emperor Qianlong. However, Qianlong was jealous of Gaosheng and was outstanding in learning, so Gaosheng did not have an official position, but he was comfortable. The new imperial lady Ruyi (played by Yang Yi) was quite popular with the emperor, but she kept holding on to her humble status and the majesty of the queen.



One day, a beautiful woman named Aki dies mysteriously. Sakura appears in front of popular novel writer Mizorogi and introduces herself as Aki’s twin sister. In fact, Mizorogi stole Aki’s novel "Utsubora." Sakura, who has Aki’s original manuscript of "Utsubora," makes some suggestions to Mizorogi.

Mood Indigo

Mood Indigo

The story begins with Shirō Kido's reunion with a former classmate, Rio Kijima, at a college teacher's funeral. In the past, when they were students, Kijima used to show talent as a novelist, even earning a big prize. Kido was jealous of Kijima's success, but after reading his works he became aware of his lack of talent and gave up writing novels and became an editor of erotic novels. However, after reuniting it became clear to Kido that Kijima was stuck; facing a wall. He had used up all his talent. With Kido also being in a lost state, he offers Kijima the opportunity to write pornographic novels. With the intense eroticism and closeness, both men open up and feed into their desire. As their lust grows, so does their toxic craving. The two become a relationship beyond the line while a mixture of emotions are drawn from the suffering Kijima.

Go! Anpanman

Go! Anpanman

Anpanman is a superhero who dedicates himself to the cause of justice, aiding the plight of unfortunate souls. Anpanman will go anywhere to help anyone in trouble, to drive away villains, and to save people from starvation by allowing them to eat his face. What? Let his face be eaten? No need to worry. His face is made with sweet anpan (bread filled with bean jam), hence the name Anpanman. Anpanman's very life depends on allowing others to eat, and once eaten, Anpanman can restore himself endlessly. He does not look handsome or strong, but he never fears any adventure and is continuously flying to aid the hungry people and the children with difficulties. Anpanman is the hero of the new age, glowing with friendship, endeavour and justice.

Every Move You Make

Every Move You Make

Every Move You Make is a 2010 Hong Kong police procedural television serial drama produced by TVB. The 20-episode drama originally aired five days a week, running from 4 to 29 October 2010 on the TVB Jade channel. In the show, Senior Inspector Linus Yiu and his colleagues of West Kowloon Police Headquarter's CID unit use the Facial Action Coding System, body language study, microexpression interpretations, and applied psychology to solve and assist in criminal investigations. The human's gesture, can be pretended by the cerebrum, but when facing unusual events happening all of a sudden, or being questioned unawares,then the human's gesture will finally tell the truth.



A novelist who is facing writer's block, meets a budding writer. Desperate, he decides to use her story for his next novel. At the same time, a film assistant is planning something vicious to destroy him and his close ones.

Queen Victoria and Her Nine Children

Queen Victoria and Her Nine Children

Documentary series charting the story of Queen Victoria after the death of her beloved husband Albert in 1861, examining how one-by-one her children rebelled against her and the family were touched by tragedy.

Makkali the Love Tree

Makkali the Love Tree

Tankul, an astronomy teacher, finds a naked unconscious girl and decides to protect her thinking that she's been assaulted. After she wakes up, Tankul notices that she talks and behaves like a child. She does not have a single scratch on her body, and it looks like she doesn't even have bones. This is when he realises that the girl he has rescued is a makkali —having arrived here through a hole in time. Soon, their relationship becomes romantic. However, just how easy can a love story between a human and a makkali be?



Vale a pena tentar. Mickey e Gus encaram os altos e baixos do compromisso enquanto tentam colocar um pouco de ordem em suas vidas caóticas.

Emily em Paris

Emily Cooper consegue o trabalho dos sonhos em Paris. Agora, ela precisa administrar a carreira, os amigos e o amor na Cidade Luz.

Sumomomo Momomo: Chijou Saikyou no Yome

Koushi Inuzuka é um estudante inteligente do ensino médio que pretende se tornar um promotor público. Infelizmente para o nosso bom rapaz, ele nasceu em uma família de artes marciais cuja cabeça (ou seja, seu pai) só conhece uma língua: a violência. Quando Koushi ainda era um bebê, seu pai fez um pacto com seu maior rival para se casar com Koushi para a filha de seu adversário que virou amigo. A união das duas linhas de sangue deve trazer o mais forte clã de artes marciais da Terra. Pule para frente: Koushi está no ensino médio, alheio ao casamento arranjado para ele em seu nascimento.

Rising Feather

A princesa Qing Que, filha órfã do príncipe Huai, cresceu na mansão de Mu Wang, onde sempre recebeu tratamento severo da princesa Mu Qing Cheng. Ao tentar escapar de lá, ela conhece Yun Huan. Depois de salvarem um ao outro, eles prometem passar a vida juntos. No entanto, embora Qing Que lhe tenha dado todo o seu coração, Yun Huan recompensou-a com um golpe fatal. Qing Que, que escapou da morte, reencarnou como Que Er, vagando em um relacionamento perigoso entre Mu Wang e Yun Huan, pregando peças no coração das pessoas a cada passo do caminho.


Embora seja admirada na escola por sua amabilidade e proeza acadêmica, a estudante Kyouko Hori esconde outro lado dela. Com os pais muitas vezes longe de casa devido ao trabalho, Hori tem que cuidar do irmão mais novo e fazer as tarefas domésticas, não deixando chance de socializar fora da escola. Enquanto isso, Izumi Miyamura é vista como um otaku taciturno de óculos. No entanto, na realidade, ele é uma pessoa gentil, incapaz de estudar. Além disso, ele tem nove piercings escondidos atrás de seu cabelo comprido e uma tatuagem nas costas e no ombro esquerdo. Por mero acaso, Hori e Miyamura se cruzam fora da escola - nenhum parecendo o que o outro esperava. Esses opostos aparentemente polares tornam-se amigos, compartilhando um com o outro um lado que nunca mostraram a ninguém.

A Idade Dourada

Após a morte do pai, a jovem Marian Brook se muda para a Nova York de 1882 - uma cidade à beira da modernidade, onde velho e novo se chocam.

Um Milhão de Coisas

Um grupo de amigos percebe que precisa aproveitar mais a vida quando um deles morre de repente. No caminho, eles veem que a amizade pode ser o único modo de salvá-los deles mesmos.