

(16 votos)

1 Temporada

12 Episódios





Criador por: Zijin Chen.

Genêros: Drama, Crime.

Lançamento: 06 de setembro de 2017

Produtora: iQiyi Motion Pictures

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Temporada 1

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Ming Dynasty

Ming Dynasty

O ano é 1402, o primeiro ano do reinado de Yongle, Imperador da Dinastia Ming. Certo dia, o impulsivo e mal-humorado Imperador ordena a execução do médico real, Jing Qing, e de toda a sua família em um acesso de fúria. Todos morrem, exceto uma pessoa – a filha mais velha de Jing Qing (Tang Wei) – que é resgatada por um nobre chamado Sun Zhong, que adota menina e dá a ela o nome de Sun Ruo Wei. Porém o manipulador e sedento por poder Culto de Qingzheng tem planos para Sun Ruo Wei, planejando casá-la com um dos filhos do Imperador. Mas os planos do culto esbarram em um obstáculo intransponível quando o destino intervém – e ela acaba tornando-se a concubina oficial do neto do Imperador Yongle, Zhu Zhan Ji (Zhu Ya Wen). Em setembro de 1424, o pai de Zhu Zhan Ji assume o trono após a morte do Imperador Yongle, e Zhu Zhan Ji torna-se o Príncipe da Coroa e herdeiro do trono. Porém, poucos meses depois, o pai de Zhu Zhan Ji morre subitamente. Zhu Zhan Ji ascende ao trono, tornando-se o Imperador Xuande. Apesar de se encontrar em uma união com o neto do homem odioso que tirou a vida de sua família, Sun Ruo Wei descobre que o Imperador Xuande é muito diferente de seu avô. Aos poucos, ela começa a acreditar que há bondade, e talvez até amor, em seu coração. Após dar à luz um filho – o novo Príncipe da Coroa –, Sun Ruo Wei tem de pensar em como ajudá-lo a governar até que ele torne-se o Imperador por direito próprio. Será que Sun Ruo Wei abandonará seus sonhos de vingança pelo bem do Império… e por um amor verdadeiro? E será que seu bom senso ajudará a assegurar o futuro da dinastia?

Hitori Shizuka

Hitori Shizuka

In a residential area, a man is murdered by another man, who broke into his apartment. Sergeant Kizaki, who is working near the area, hears a gunshot and runs towards the apartment. Detective Oomura already is at the scene of the crime.

Who Is He

Who Is He

In 1988, criminal policeman Wei Guo Ping witnessed the deaths of his comrades during an operation around a serial murder case where the culprit escapes. This has left Wei Guo Ping scarred from the incident. Eight years later, the appalling corpse dismemberment case has shocked the city of Ningjiang. At this time, Wei Guo Ping has already grown into a seasoned police captain.

Day and Night

Day and Night

Ele é um detetive, mas tem pavor do escuro. Para investigar uma série de assassinatos brutais, todas as noites ele troca de lugar com seu irmão gêmeo foragido.

The Long Night

The Long Night

It was an open shut case with hundred of witnesses seeing the murder suspect trying to dispose of a body and a signed confession from the suspect himself. And yet when the case was ready for court, the prosecutor discovered that the case was not as it appeared. The murder was but a cover for another more shocking injustice. He spent ten years trying to uncover the truth, toiling away his youth, his career, his reputation, his family, and even his life.

The Cafe Ride

The Cafe Ride

Matt Stephens takes cyclists and people in the cycling industry on a cafe ride while interviewing them

Life Coach

Life Coach

Ailada is a hardworking woman, who runs an online clothing sales page with her friend Sushi. Ailada lives with her boyfriend Fin, a salesman whose parents passed away when he was a child. The couple has financial problems and Ailada is the sole contributor for paying everything. One day while working, Fin runs into one of his friends that suggests a company to him that can make him “rich” easily. Fin tells Alida about the offer but she finds it sketchy and rejects the proposal. Frustrated by Alida's response and his inferiority complex of not being able to provide, Fin gets into an argument with her. While being overwhelmed with stress, Ailada goes to Facebook and comes across Venus, a public figure that can supposedly help people with wealth and happiness. Ailada then starts to think about the goals she wants to set and reach in the future. The next morning, Ailada goes to meet Venus for help. Will Ailada get the desired advice and finally get to do the things that make her happy?

Mr. Magoo

Mr. Magoo

Mr. Magoo, the eponymous kind-hearted fellow is always happy to lend a hand, but often causes disasters instead as without his glasses he makes all kinds of chaotic mix-ups. Despite this, his only enemy is his neighbor Fizz: a megalomaniacal hamster and his human minion, Weasel, who are somehow always accidentally thwarted by Magoo.