Totò, Peppino e le fanatiche

Totò, Peppino e le fanatiche

(43 votos)



Totò, Peppino e le fanatiche



Duração: 01h25m

Data de lançamento: 22 de agosto de 1958

Genêros: Comédia.


Vence o Amor

Antonio, Peppino e Lucia são três irmãos que moram perto de Nápoles. O filho de Lucia, Gianni, vai para Nápoles estudar medicina, mas lá ele conhece uma dançarina de balé. Eles se apaixonam e, quando ela vai para Milão, Gianni vai atrás. Quando ficam sabendo disso e com medo de que seu sobrinho pare de estudar, os três irmãos Caponi partirão para persuadir Gianni a voltar a Nápoles e continuar estudando e que abandone a "Malafemmina". (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)

Stork Day

Filippo is a star on the Italian TV. He works for a documentary series about wild animals and nature. He is sent to Tenerife (Spain) to shot an issue about the local stork. It is the 13th of August. After he did his job is time to leave, but the ferry couldn't operate. He has to spend the night in the island. The day after is again the 13th of August, and Filippo live again the same day for different times. Something has to change to exit the paranoid and unrealistic situation.

The Devil at 4 O'Clock

A crusty, eccentric priest recruits three reluctant convicts to help him rescue a children's leper colony from a Pacific island menaced by a smoldering volcano.

Boys on the Outside

Young men with no future have little in the present as well. Natale is released from prison: he takes up with his friends again but none can find work. Claudio, from Palermo, gets out of juvenile detention in Naples and he's met by Vita, a girl who's come from home to run away with him. Where can they go? A young dad, whose potato stall at the market is shut down because he has no permit, takes his two small children to the beach and yells at them. Mario, gay, a prostitute in drag, gets a visit from his mom; he offers tea, then finds the water to his apartment is shut off. Social workers drop by, parole officers file reports. What hope is there? What options besides crime?

Toto in Madrid

When the swindler La Spada and his accomplice José come out of jail in Madrid, they decide to pull a really great swindle: nothing less than to discover and sell a third picture of the famous Goya's Maya. They engage the renowed Scorcelletti who can imitate any picture and who lives in Rome. Afterwards, with the help of the beautiful Eva, they convince the celebrated art critic Francisco Montiel of the existance of a third Maya and let him find the picture. When the swindlers are on the point of selling the faked maya to an American millionaire, Scorcelli comes back from Rome to sell one of his six other maya pictures.


Roaming the vast jungles of Congo with his best friend, Bongo the gorilla, Antonio della Buffas, a mysterious man whom the natives call the "white monkey", is utterly unaware that he is the long-lost son of a wealthy explorer. Then, three opportunists manage to capture and bring the white savage to civilisation, bent on getting their hands on his immense fortune.

Carta Selvagem

Nick Wild (Jason Statham), guarda-costas em Las Vegas, tem habilidades profissinais letais e problemas pessoas com o jogo. Após seu amigo ser espancado um sádico bandido, Nick decide se vingar e descobre que ele é filho de um poderoso chefe da máfia. Nick mergulha no mundo do crime e acaba perseguido pela máfia, tendo apenas uma chance de mudar sua sorte.

O Pagamento Final

Após sair da prisão, Carlito Brigante jura a si mesmo que nunca mais vai voltar a viver como no passado. A mudança de vida não é fácil, uma vez que ele precisa resistir a várias oportunidades e tentações para voltar a lidar com o tráfico de heroína. Ele encontra seu antigo amor, Gail, que lhe mostra que a vida pode ser feliz. Carlito começa a economizar dinheiro para se mudar para as Bahamas, mas nem tudo sai como o esperado.